"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." Ecc.7:3

Friday, December 10, 2010
...So Be Yourself!
I'm emotional at times... very sensitive... in my head way too much... analytical when I probably shouldn't be... and yes, the heart's located on my sleeve. My compassion can be irritating and I've had times when I wish I didn't care so much. "Why can't I just be normal?"... I use to ask myself. I always felt different from other females and for a long time, I saw it as a bad thing. Therefore, in relationships, I tried my best to be as "normal" as I could be but it never worked because I only knew how to be me. I finally realized, there is no "normal" and I may very well be different from other women, but I'm not the only woman who feels that way. Nonetheless, I can only be me! So if that means that this guy won't like me, or that person won't be my friend because of who I am... then that's what it means. It's not meant for us to be liked by every person (Jesus was perfect and even He was disliked). Surrounding ourselves with people who like and accept our personalities just as they are, is what's important. We can change our character, but not our personalities. If you have to alter your personality in any way to be accepted by someone, then guess what... it's not in the cards, so to speak. Whether we're talking about friendships or relationships, there are people who will like YOU, for you...
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About Me
- Ebony TyShell
- I love God because I realize that He first loved me. I am a single mother of a son and two daughters. They definitely keep me on my toes and are part of the reason why I strive to follow the path of righteousness.
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