I've been feeling a little uninspired for the past few days, so I prayed and asked God to inspire me with something to write. Let's just say it didn't take long for Him to answer my prayer. I visited a website about two children I work with who have a condition called Sanfilippo. I cried like a baby when reading the words of this strong and admirable woman. Knowing and being able to work with these children is truly a blessing but the insight that their mother gave through her writing was incredible. I cannot imagine exactly what her life is like from day to day and I cannot even come close to grasping how it would be to have children with this disease. But as I read about what she was going through, my heart began to ache and I realized that this woman's life is the epitome of what I consider to be heartmake. While reading her journal entries, extreme sadness and compassion were my initial emotions. At first, I felt really sorry for her but as I continued to read I realized that this lady has an incredible heart and faith that is AMAZING! I went from feeling pity, to being in complete awe. Only by the power of God can someone in her situation have so much hope. It inspires me to know that someone who has been dealt such a difficult hand, can turn it around to give God praise and be a blessing to other people. Through her sorrow she is being made into a magnificent human being, all because of her love for God. And her sorrow has made my heart better as well. I can certainly admit that this woman's journal put things into perspective and made me count my many blessings. I would guess that the heartache which I have felt in my lil ol life is nothing in comparison to what she has faced (and is facing). I always say, no matter how difficult life seems to be, it can always be even more difficult...so be grateful! With God, a silver lining can always be found...no matter the situation. It's not our circumstances that define us, but how we deal with those circumstances that make us who we are. God knows what we can handle and what is too much for us to bare. Obviously, this woman is someone special because God chose her to be the mother of these wonderful children! God did not intend for them to be a punishment, but a gift and a blessing...and that's exactly what they are! I ask everyone who reads this to please keep this woman and her family in your prayers!