Most of us have heard the saying, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all."
Ummm, still not sure if I actually agree with this or not. There have been plenty of times when I would've begged to differ. It seems that NOT knowing what you're missing, is much better than knowing a love that has to be taken away. Nonetheless, I do believe that sorrow makes the heart good and I KNOW that I would not be as close to God as I am if it hadn't been for my sorrow. Still, I wouldn't wish a broken heart on my worst enemy. Especially when it comes to losing a loved one to death! I've never experienced grief to the fullest magnitude via death of a close family member... so I can only imagine. I did feel somewhat of a grievance when I lost my grandfather whom I wasn't that close to... even just a little taste of grief had me thinking, "how do people go through this and not believe in God?" The fact that someone could be here one day and gone the next, left me baffled. There has to be a God! Through the heartache of it all, there's great mystery! One that should not steer us away from our Creator, but draw us to Him. Surely I'm not the only person who can be in complete awe of God during the saddest time. The mystery of our Lord is mind-boggling and although the loss of a loved one is one of the most heart-wrenching times, we should try our best not to be self-absorbed with the pain that we feel, but think of how wonderful it is that the person we love has gone to meet the highest level of Magnificence.